Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seventh Voyage

I tried reading Clockwork Orange, but I just couldn't get into it or follow it at all (tried the audiobook too, but same problem). So since I didn't get far in there at all, I ended up reading a short story instead - Stanislaw Lem's Seventh Voyage.

I found the story to be pretty entertaining, and a rather ridiculous tale that at times was very complicated, but really the absurdity added to the humor of it. I liked how even when all of versions of him were together they still only argued and couldn't fix the ship, and it ended up being fixed by two children - at least, that's supposedly what happened. I really liked the last line and felt it was quite appropriate to the tone of the story. ("But that is how people are; they'll willingly give credence to the most far-fetched drivel, but not to the simple truth, which is precisely what I have presented here.")

It was a fun read. I saw Margarete Atwood was listed for this week as well. I'd read The Handmaid's Tale in the past and I remember liking it, though my memory on it is a bit fuzzy now since that was many years ago. I like her style of writing and was tempted to read the other listed, but I didn't have much time for reading this week and it looked to be rather long. Ah well.

I look forward to the readings for next week though haha!

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